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Lake County Plastic Surgery


Fat Grafting

Jun 8 • 2 minute read

Fat Grafting in Libertyville

As we grow older, volume in certain areas of our bodies decreases. This can add years to our appearance. There is a cosmetic procedure that increases volume to areas of our bodies with the use of our body’s own fat. This method has been given many names including fat grafting, fat transferring, fat transplanting or lipo- transferring as well. It can rejuvenate many parts of the body with beautiful and natural-looking results. 

Advantages of Enhancements Using Fat Grafting

There are several advantages to using the body’s own fat to add shape and volume. Most people have an abundance of fat, and it can easily be molded for precise results. It looks and feels natural, and it can be permanent.  There is also no risk of an allergic reaction when using one’s own fat stores.  Recently, the stem cells found in fat have been discovered to provide additional benefits. Body fat not only increases volume, but it seems that stem cells account for further improvements in skin and the elimination of wrinkles. 

Treatment for Several Areas in the Body

Many areas of the body can benefit from fat grafting, including the face, hands, breasts, and buttocks, (popularly referred to as a Brazilian butt lift). Some women transfer fat to reconstruct breast tissue after a lumpectomy or mastectomy, which gives the breast a similar shape and feel as the natural breast. First, the external tissues are expanded using the Brava Bra, then the fat is transferred without surgical scarring.  

Fat grafting also rejuvenates the face by plumping cheeks and lips. Some plastic surgeons may use fat grafting in combination with other coordinating cosmetic procedures, such as facelifts or neck lifts. It has also been an effective treatment for those with contour deformities caused by liposuction.

What to Expect with Fat Grafting Procedures

The procedure to transfer fat has several advantages:

  • A quick recovery period
  • Long-term enhancement
  • No scarring
  • Usually done within two hours.

Before the procedure, patients are given an antibiotic to prevent infection. They are anesthetized in an operating room and using a thin hollow tube called a suction cannula, the doctor harvests the fat cells. He then places them into a machine that prepares them to be reinjected into the areas receiving enhancement.   

The areas that have donated and received fat cells may be tender and sore for the first 48 hours after surgery. They also may leak, so it is a good idea to cover your car seats, bed, and couch with plastic sheeting. 

Dr. Aras Tijunelis at Lake County Plastic Surgery for Quality and Expert Cosmetic Enhancements 

Give Dr. Aras Tijunelis a call if you are interested in enhancing your body with the cosmetic procedure of fat grafting.  Lake County Plastic Surgery provides quality medical care for those living near Libertyville and surrounding communities. He takes great satisfaction in helping people look and feel their best.

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