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Lake County Plastic Surgery


Breast Lift versus Augmentation: What is the right choice for you?

Jun 4 • 2 minute read

Breast Lift versus Augmentation: What is the right choice for you?

Women who are interested in breast enhancement have options to choose from beyond mere implants.  Based on several medical factors, combined with the patient’s personal preference, plastic surgeons can help determine which procedure may be the right choice.  The surgeries performed for your treatment plan, whether a lift, natural augmentation, or implants provide enhanced appearance and new confidence.

If you’re deciding between a breast lift or implant procedure to improve different cosmetic aspects of your appearance, consider the following?

What Causes the Need for a Breast Lift?

The patient who seeks out a breast lift typically experiences sagging skin. There are several circumstances that can cause breasts to sag, including weight loss, breastfeeding, and/or age.  Aging can cause lessened skin elasticity, with outside factors such as sun exposure or smoking having a similar effect as well. Surgeons also perform breast lifts to improve the symmetry of the nipples or the firmness of the breasts.

Are Implants Right for Me?

 Breast implants made of saline or silicone are the more common type of augmentation procedure, clinically known as a mammoplasty.  Patients who seek out this surgery often are looking to increase the size of one or both breasts.  But size isn’t the only reason for implants.  Implants can also restore breast volume lost due to hormone changes or nursing.  There are several options to choose for your implant surgery, based on whether your goals are overall natural appearance, high or low profile, or achieving the desired shape. 

Lift, Augmentation, or Both?

Patients not interested in increasing breast size or volume tend to be the right candidates for a breast lift alone. Similarly, if skin sagging is not an issue, but increased cup size is your goal, implants can meet your expectations. But it is often the case that a patient is a candidate for both surgeries. Patients who choose both procedures benefit from having a lift and augmentation completed in a single surgical appointment, so they do not need to return for and recover from separate procedures.

As a skilled plastic surgeon, Dr. Tijunelis wants to provide patients with all the options available to them to help make such an important decision an informed one.  If interested in one or both procedures, call Lake County Plastic Surgery to schedule a consult.

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